Events & Competitions

I offer many different opportunities for your child to grow outside of class by participating in events.

National Federation of Music Clubs: This is a great event to earn certifications and trophies. It is an annual evaluation in February with higher levels of participation resulting in scholarship opportunities. Great for all ages too! Federation has many different levels to participate from preschoolers to adults. It allows both performance and music theory evaluations.

Music Teacher National Association: MTNA/NCMTA offers a high level of performance evaluations for students under the age of 18. Each student must learn a piece from 18th, 19th, and 20th century. Great for students who want to go to the next level and build up a wide variety of repertoire.

Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum: CPTF has the same requirements as NCMTA but also includes a Music theory test. It is a competition and there are cash prizes for the winners.

All these events help boost confidence and stage presence. Having a goal or deadline can be helpful to encourage practice and growth!

Please contact me for more details

Anyamei Studios